Fire Tube Water Heaters
Sellers’ fire tube water heaters are heavy-duty, commercial-industrial gas-fired assemblies. We offer two varieties of water heaters, and both combine hi-storage and hi-recovery, each in a single complete unit. These heaters are immersion fired using a premix forced draft burner and Energy X-Tractors to provide high efficiency with minimum maintenance.

BT-Series Fire Tube Water Heaters Vs. TP-Series Fire Tube Water Heaters
While both of our fire tube water heater options offer many of the same benefits, there are a couple of key differences between the two. The two-pass design is unique as it provides optimal design for smaller applications. On the other hand, the BT-Series is not as ideal for small applications but instead is considered the most industrial water heater in the world. Regardless of the series you choose to work with, our fire tube water heaters provide industry-leading efficiency.
Advantages of Sellers Fire Tube Water Heaters
Reduced Cost
Our fire tube water heaters operate efficiently, reducing costs in three primary areas: initial cost, energy cost, maintenance cost. Before you’ve finished using a Sellers’ fire tube water heater, it will have paid for itself several times over.
Low Emissions Options
Sellers’ fire tube water heaters provide low NOx emission package options. Units operate at less than 30 ppm of NOx to meet low emission demands. This feat is achieved without flue gas recirculation and for a minimal additional cost.
Cleaner Fire Tubes
In Sellers’ water heaters, tubes stay cleaner & require less maintenance. The diameter firing tubes in Sellers Immersion Water Heaters expand and contract during intermittent firing to break loose the hard scale that forms on the equipment. The scale then drops in small pieces, which wash out through the clean-out openings. Because of this convenient design, harder water can be heated without fear of troublesome buildup.
Our Fire Tube Water Heaters Meet the Highest Quality Standards
All Sellers Fire Tube Water Heaters are built to conform with Section IV of the ASME code. Additionally, the “H” cloverleaf is stamped onto each unit, signifying the superior quality standards that our products meet. Licensed inspectors thoroughly check construction and witness final pressure testing, and an ASME Inspection Data Report is furnished before any water heater order is finalized. At Sellers, we believe that customers deserve top quality, so we take every precaution in building your fire tube water heaters.