About Sellers Manufacturing Company
Your Complete Guide for Industry-Leading Boiler Equipment
Discover Sellers’ comprehensive guide that features our innovative fire tube boilers, medical waste autoclaves, high-efficiency water heaters, and advanced deaerators.
Sellers’ Product Reference Guide

Sellers Manufacturing Company is more than just a pressure vessel supplier— we design and manufacture integrated boiler/burner equipment certified to ASME and National Board requirements.
Our Core Values
Sellers Manufacturing Company is relied upon for the highest quality equipment with unrivaled reliability, efficiency, durability, longest life, ease of maintenance and cost effectiveness.
The Original Sellers Engineering Company
With an expanding and innovative young nation as the backdrop, telephones, the electric grid, natural gas and automobiles were taking hold. “Kelly” Sellers entered the gas-fired boiler business with a unique idea for a breakthrough immersion-fired highly durable boiler/burner “turnkey” unit.
As the U.S. prepared for war in the early 1940’s, the government drafted Sellers for their unique technology and expertise that was not available from others. Over 10,000 large volume immersion-fired integrated water heaters were produced in record time by the original Sellers company for Army installations throughout the United States. Many of these installations are still being used today.
In 1947, as pipelines spread natural gas throughout the south, the company moved to its present home in Danville, Kentucky, about 30 miles south of Lexington. Here the company has achieved consistent excellence in the design and construction of rapid-response large volume water heaters, steam boilers, deaerators, boiler feed systems and related equipment.

The original Sellers Engineering Company was founded in Chicago in 1931 when new industries were looking for ways to take advantage of natural gas energy. Sellers pioneered gas-fired equipment such as boilers, burners, water heating equipment and bakery equipment.
Sellers Today
As our country has modernized with new technology, so has Sellers Manufacturing. As a newly re-established company, we invest in innovations that improve productivity, efficiency, and ease of operation and control of boiler room equipment.
The integrated, patent-pending modulating boiler/burners we provide feature state-of-the-art digital control, lead-lag, BMS, and other first-rate communications. Our engineers utilize 3D CAD modeling tools, and our experienced manufacturing team uses automated CNC machinery coupled with field tested methods to further the famous Sellers craftsmanship in design and manufacture of great boiler equipment.
With solid long term ownership by TK Capital, Sellers Manufacturing Co. continues a tradition of innovation with unique technology and value for your steam and hot water needs. Only from Sellers and only Made in the USA.